Cut and burn all diseased twigs that you can find
Cut and burn all diseased twigs that you can find. Estimate the damage done by fire-blight.
Farmers' bulletins on orchard enemies are published by the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., and can be had by writing for them. They will help your father much in treating fire-blight.
Oat Smuts. Let us go out into a near-by oat field and look for all the blackened heads of grain that we can find. How many are there? To count accurately let us select an area one foot square. We must look carefully, for many of these blackened heads are so low that we shall not see them at the first glance. You will be surprised to find as many as thirty or forty heads in every hundred so blackened. These blackened heads are due to a plant disease called smut.
Fig. 121. Loose Smut
of Oats
The glumes at a
more nearly destroyed
than the glumes at b
Fig. 122. A Crop from Oats
treated with Formalin
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