Second you can often kill spores on
Second, you can often kill spores on seeds before they are planted and thus prevent the development of the fungus (see pp. ).
Third, often the foliage of the plant can be sprayed with a poison that will prevent the germination of the spores (see pp. ).
Fourth, some varieties of plants resist disease much more stoutly than others. We may often select the resistant form to great advantage (see Fig. 119).
Fifth, after big limbs are pruned off, decay often sets in at the wound. This decay may be prevented by coating the cut surface with paint, tar, or some other substance that will not allow spores to enter the wound or to germinate there.
Sixth, it frequently happens that the spore or fungus remains in the soil. This is true in the cotton wilt, and the remedy is so to rotate crops that the diseased land is not used again for this crop until the spores or fungi have died.
Fonte: Agriculture for Beginners
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