Diagram Shows The Proper Shape of The Fore And Hind Legs of a Horse. When The Straight Lines Divide The Legs Equally, The Leg Action is Straight And Regular
Diagram Shows The Proper Shape of The Fore And Hind Legs of a Horse. When The Straight Lines Divide The Legs Equally, The Leg Action is Straight And Regular
I. Draft, or Heavy, Breeds
1. Percheron, from the province of Perche, France.
2. French Draft, developed in France.
3. Belgian Draft, developed by Belgian farmers.
4. Clydesdale, the draft horse of Scotland.
5. Suffolk Punch, from the eastern part of England.
6. English Shire, also from the eastern part of England.
II. Carriage, or Coach, Breeds
1. Cleveland Bay, developed in England.
2. French Coach, the gentleman's horse of France.
3. German Coach, from Germany.
4. Oldenburg Coach, Oldenburg, Germany.
5. Hackney, the English high-stepper.
III. Light, or Roadster, Breeds
1. American Trotter, developed in America.
2. Thoroughbred, the English running horse.
3. American Saddle Horse, from Kentucky and Virginia.